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twenty-five july 2009
five : thirteen p.m.

finally. finally, you have returned. and there is no way of telling how much i have missed you.

"those of us from the east coast have this idealized reality of life here; quieter, friendlier. more social. but you're right, there is always the chance that, of course, our expectations will not outstrip our abilities to subjugate ourselves. but that's the nice part of adventure, right?

"and, goddamn, am i ever ready for adventure."

"my old friend," (and i love how you always refer to me this way), "i understand that more than anybody else at the moment. i have spent the past two years in a chrysalis. using fog and quiet moments to piece together my actual view of the world. and now, waiting down the last few weeks of my island exile, i'm ready, making plans, and cannot wait to finally erupt."

"i love this." i am grinning, nodding, on the edge of my seat.

"then you are ready! life is contagious. it's just easy to forget it, when we spend so much time fucking innoculating ourselves against it."

a trip to montreal in the autumn. reconnecting. "you can be a stranger in a city with a different language. and turn your collar up and have nice, cold evenings with cheap whiskey and quiet talks."