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"are you wearing a bracelet?"
"it was my grandpa's."

i know everyone thinks i am a fool for putting aside the Bad Days, for letting you back in so easily, for letting you back in at all, but it reminded me so much of this night, so natural, so much like the way it is supposed to be. i could feel the life - my life - rushing back into me. the cold didn't matter. i am alive again. we are alive again.

you held my hand on york street. we took the long way back to my house, kicking through leaves across from the cemetery.

"don't make me let go yet. i don't want to let go yet."
"fuck you for that. i am supposed to hate you. you're the bad guy, the asshole. the heartbreaker."

i held on tight to the fabric at the small of your back. you feel like home.