then - now - archives - notes - dl

fifteen august
two : forty-seven a.m.

i can still get two hours of sleep. i can still rest a little. i'm too nervous for that, though.

i wonder where he is. if hes awake. if hes working on what he has to deliver to me in the morning. if hes tired, wanting to curl up and sleep. if hes crying.

i want him here. even if he was just on my bed, reading, or sleeping, or watching me pack...his presence would calm me down. thats why i'm so worried. he won't be around the corner anymore.

but i'll see him in a month. i just have to keep telling myself that. i'll see him almost every month. and i'll be okay. and he'll be okay, if he takes care of himself like he promised to.

it will be okay. everything is safe. everyone is warm.