then - now - archives - notes - dl

ten september
eleven : oh-four p.m.

"i know what is going to happen."

"aw, it'll be alright."

"no it won't. but..whatever. i wish you could be here. i don't want to be sad about it, but i really miss you."

"sorry..i..i don't want you to be sad."

"i'm not. not yet, anyway. i don't want you to be sad, either."

"i'm sorry. ...i'm so tired. i don't want to say this. i don't want to be mean..i don't mean it to be.."

"say it. please."

"what's the point? what's the fucking point? nothing changes. everything changes. what's the difference if i read, or if i take a pill?"

"reading isn't fixing anything."

"i'm just hiding. i'm just trying to avoid it."

"i know."