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twenty-seven july
seven : fifty-one p.m.

it was the first time i'd seen him in almost a week. all those times i could have stopped in and didn't.

"where are you going?"

to the post office. to drop off a letter about how i hadn't seen anyone done anything for so long.

"i'll walk you."

and he got up, and we turned the corner, and the first thing he said was,

"i'm moving."

to florida. at the end of the summer. if he can work everything out. it reminded me so much of the story at the beginning of this song ("i'm moving," he said.. "i have lived in the same place for a long time. it is time for me to go someplace else.." "i want you to stay next door forever." "i can't," said mitchell, "i do not want to go wake up in the same old bedroom and eat breakfast in the same old kitchen. every room in my house is the same old room because i have lived there too long.").

we sat on his floor, leaned out the window, watched everyone walking by below. and i was so comfortable.

just another one to add to the list. just another one leaving.

listen : "a spindle, a darkness, a fever, and a necklace" by bright eyes